Its name is enough to define this excellent Job Board HTML Template that is perfectly suitable for job listing and job posting. With 3 different home page versions, it comes with a number of professional pages including About Us, Jobs, Job Details, Blog and Blog Details, 404 Error Page, and Contact Page.
Among its features, you will get a professional job searching panel, dynamic contact us form, google map, social media integration, slider, recent job posting or listing, featured job, animated number counting, testimonials, smooth scrolling, and a professional header and footer. All the features are highly customizable and 100% responsive.
Jobfinder Features:
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Neat, clean and simple design
- Creative and Modern Design
- Built With Bootstrap & Sass
- Fully Responsive
- Easy To Customize
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Well Commented
- Google Fonts
- Material & Font Awesome Icon Font
- Well Documented
Images are not included